London School of Social and Management Sciences offers consultancy services for an external assessment quality assurance processes. We provide an impartial view of the course and independent advice to ensure courses meet the academic standards and quality expected across the sector.
What we do?
- Review of assignment briefs or question papers
- Review of marking standards and procedures
- Review and comment on the Examination Performance Statistics.
- Comment on the appropriateness of the standards set.
- Comment on the quality and quantity of any student feedback on assessed work or
formative assessments that you viewed - Identify any areas of good practice and innovation, or recommendations for
enhancement, related to the learning, teaching or assessment on the programme. - Advise on an individual piece of work.
- Comment on the award of Merits and Distinctions.
- Mark research project dissertations.
- Do moderation and internal verification
- Meet with students and seek their independent comments on overall education quality and then advise the institutions how to improve quality and students’ satisfaction.